Monday, October 11, 2004

Welcome to the Crush Liberalism blog!

Welcome to my blog! I don't know how many people I can get to come here, since unlike liberals, most normal people have actual LIVES to lead. Let me first begin by giving a little background information on me, and on the purpose of this blog.

My name is Jonathan. I live in the metro area of Jacksonville, Florida. I am a software developer by trade. I discovered my political identity while attending Florida State University, and much to the chagrin of numerous liberal professors, I discovered I was not a liberal. Years of being attuned to politics and current events have tweaked my ideology, so in short, I consider myself to be, for the most part, a libertarian. For those who don't know, libertarians generally believe in a small and unintrusive federal government...more so than conservatives do. Whether libertarian or conservative, there's one clear message: I am not, nor will I ever be, a liberal. I love my country too much for that.

The point of this blog is basically a sounding board for people with similar or disparate opinions on the items of the day. I hope to post enough educational information and food for thought so as to advance my agenda, which is to crush liberalism (thus the name of the blog). Liberalism is an ideology, not constrained to one party or another. There are liberal Democrats (such as John Kerry, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, etc.), and there are liberal Republicans (such as Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, who are the Senators from Maine; and Lincoln Chafee, the Senator from Rhode Island). So this is not about Democrats, though they by and large are the manifestation of liberalism today.

Liberalism used to be a fantastic and positive force in this country, though it all began to change with the Vietnam war. Since then, liberalism has become hard to distinguish from socialism or communism, and I do not make that comparison lightly. Here are the similarities (in short...a much more detailed analysis exists in many places, so research on your own):

Opposition to an armed populace;
Confiscating the fruits of labor of the producers and distributing these fruits to the non-producers;
Hostility to religion;
Contempt for the individual and focus on group identity;
Affinity for a strong, bloated central planning government;
Dedication to a global government that seeks to weaken the United States;
Lack of recognition of evil and thus, lack of strength in dealing with said evil.
Domination of and use of mainstream mass media to advance the agenda (i.e. propaganda). (Thankfully, the web, talk radio, and Fox News Channel are changing the dynamics, slowly but surely).

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Compassion is one thing, and socialism/liberalism is another.

I do retain the sole right to remove any offensive content (and no, differing opinions or blatant ignorance are not included), though unlike liberals and the politically correct, I will make few (if any) efforts to stifle the free exchange of views on this board. Realize something, though, that may come as a shock to you Dixie Chicks and entertainment-types out there: Freedom of speech does NOT equate to freedom of consequences of that speech. Be prepared to defend your position at all times, and reason and critical thinking are much more welcome that emotional or moonbattery-laced blather.

This blog may evolve, or it may meander in irrelevancy. Who knows? All I do know, though, is that it is MINE!! ;) Any sources I borrow from will be properly referenced with links, so as not to plagiarize (i.e. Joe Biden) any sources.

OK, that's what I wanted to start with, so let's see where this thing goes!