Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Blue states want to secede from union

We should be so lucky:


Note, again, the level of hate and vitriol that comes from the mouths of the supposed "compassionate" party. "Rednecks in Oklahoma" and the "homophobic knuckle-draggers in Wyoming"?

Please, keep it up, liberals! I smell another 1 - 3% fleeing from you in 2008!

By the way, Kerry himself had such contempt for red states, specifically the South. He said during the primaries that Dems "make a mistake by looking South" for votes. He pointed out that Al Gore came within 7,200 votes in NH of winning in 2000, without a single Southern state. Translation: "Drop dead, rednecks!" The strategy failed Gore, and it failed Kerry. Any other liberals want to try that as a campaign tactic in 2008?