Tuesday, October 26, 2004

FLASH: CBS wanted to break story on Election Eve!

How's this for a clearcut case of CBS News NOT learning a damned thing from their past? Drudge is reporting that CBS News was going to run with the "Missing Explosives" story on Election Eve, but was beat to the punch by the NYT. Just goes to show you that agendas are sometimes trumped by scoops in the media biz. Anywho, here's the story:


In light of the forged documents Bush National Guard story, as well as the e-mail hoax in the Bush draft story, now CBS is adding another blatant Kerry campaign tactic to their arsenal with this missing explosives story. The problem is, the explosives were missing BEFORE the U.S. invasion last year...thus, no Bush admin incompetence!

Folks, PLEASE get to the polls and don't let this overt attempt by the MSM to sway the election work! Repudiate the media, and re-elect Bush!