Thursday, October 28, 2004

Latinos voting for Bush

Looks like the Latino vote is going the way of "red states" this year:

By the way, a Florida poll showed Bush with roughly 62% of the Latino vote in Florida. This is not just the Miami Cuban vote, which is reliably Republican, but the entire Latino population of Florida.

Looks like Kerry will have to pimp himself in more black churches to get his uninspired base motivated. That, plus he'll need his lawyers on stand-by to fight to have military ballots thrown out again (like Dems shamelessly did in 2000)...can't think of a better way to win over the hearts and minds of soldiers (who are breaking 70-30 for Bush right now) than to have their votes tossed. Seems like Dems are more concerned with votes from non-citizens, dead people, and felons than they are with military votes.