Wednesday, November 10, 2004

SOME Brits do get it, and they nail liberals on it!

From the U.K.'s Telegraph:

Now the aggrieved, "disfranchised" of New York and Los Angeles - cheered on by their friends in Britain - are saying that the American electorate is bigoted, reactionary and stupid. In Thatcherite Britain, they said that the voters were selfish, reactionary and stupid. Left-wing intellectuals, of course, are never, ever wrong. Nothing - absolutely nothing - ever causes them to question their own beliefs. It is the rest of the world that is out of step. And the rest of you - the great democratic mass of people who have the temerity to think your own thoughts and come to your own conclusions - are scarcely worthy of the franchise.

Democracy is suitable only for the enlightened - which is to say for people who accept the assumptions of the Guardian/BBC world view. If you cannot produce the right result in an election - even after you have been told very clearly by everybody from Robert Redford to Michael Moore what to think - then you are beneath contempt, and we are licensed by the household gods of liberal ideology to call you names. (On Radio 4's News Quiz last week, Jeremy Hardy described Bush and his followers as "stupid, crazy, ignorant, bellicose Christian fundamentalists". Presumably, by BBC logic, this does not constitute bigotry but wit.)

It's nice to see someone from across the pond who recognizes the arrogance and cluelessness of American (and European) liberals. Throw in some British sarcasm, and this made for some entertaining reading!