Olbermann's "chickenhawk" slur turned on him
Ace does a wonderful job of ripping the mind-numbed leftist myrmidons' "chickenhawk" reflex, in light of that little-watched MSNBC moonbat's recent rant:
Olbermann's Theatre of the Absurd ends with his calling upon Bush to go to Baghdad and fight "his war" himself.
Again, the chickenhawk charge -- one should be willing to fight wars one advocates, yes?
But the trouble is that part of Olbermann's, and the entire left's, schtick is that they're really super-tough guys after all -- not cheese-eating surrender monkeys -- because, while they don't want to fight Al Qaeda in Iraq, they're just totally gung ho to fight Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and, now, Pakistan. In fact, the subtext very often seems to be that it's just the stubborn President Bush who is preventing them from grabbing a rifle and hopping on the next plane to Waziristan.
Question for Mr. Olbermann:
When, Sir, can we expect word of your enlistment? To fight in what is, by your own admission -- nay, bold proclamation -- what is in fact your war?
Breaking the MSM embargo, Ralph Peters finally makes the point I've been making for years.The intelligence report in question said, in essence, that, after the devastating blow we struck against al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the terrorists have regained some strength in their safe haven on Pakistan's Northwest Frontier. It doesn't say that al Qaeda is stronger than ever - although that's what the Dems imply.
In 2001, al Qaeda had a country of its own. Today, it survives in isolated compounds. And guess which "veteran warrior" wants to go get them?
Sen. Barack Obama. Far too important to ever serve in the military himself, Obama thinks we should invade Pakistan.
Go for it, Big Guy. Of course, we'll have to reintroduce the draft to find enough troops. And we'll need to kill, at a minimum, a few hundred thousand tribesmen and their families. We'll need to occupy the miserable place indefinitely.
Oh, and Pakistan's a nuclear power already teetering on the edge of chaos.
Barack Obama, strategist and military expert. Who knew?
I don't believe any Democrat actually wants to fight wars against Al Qaeda, or anyone else, anywhere at all. But they claim they do, they advocate for huge invasions of 100 million strong nuclear-armed countries, and of course they vote for any stray declaration of war that should reach their desks within 60 days of an election.
So if they are all gung-ho to finally "finish the job Bush wouldn't" in Islamabad and Karachi, I trust they know we need more troops -- and the army does in fact permit liberals to serve openly as such. There is no "don't ask, don't tell" rule about being a leftist jagoff, I can assure them all.
When's the big sign-up day all you super badass warriors have planned? Is it a big surprise you're waiting to spring on the rest of the country?
I trust they're just waiting to receive and read the new Harry Potter book, and then they'll be training to storm the beaches of Southern Pakistan presently.
No thinking required for Olby and his ilk.
Labels: Afghanistan, Iraq, moonbats, olbermann
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