Monday, November 01, 2004

Osama targets "red states"

Osama is trying to influence your vote by threatening states that vote for Bush (red states) and vowing peace with states that vote for Kerry (blue states). Story here.

If you vote for Kerry because you're afraid to vote for Bush, then congrats...your cowardly #ss just had your vote purchased by the bullying of the world's terrorist mastermind. Besides, you are a colossal fool if you believe anything that comes out of that murderous madman's mouth!

So does that mean if Kerry is elected president, but loses massively in every Southern state (which, save Florida, he will), then OBL will attack Tennessee after the election? If so, will New Yorkers and New Jerseyans say that Tennesseeans should have voted for Kerry?

I don't know about you, but I'm more determined than ever to see Bush re-elected. Bring it on, b#tch!