Friday, October 29, 2004

Speaking of media bias...

Thomas Sowell properly points out the media disgrace.

It seems to me that after this election, the media may suffer a backlash like it's never seen before. If Kerry wins, people will abandon MSM sources in droves. If Bush wins, people will point and laugh at MSM sources...and abandon them in droves. Their ratings and circulations have been in the tank for years, getting worse every year. But the MSM is like Ahab in Moby Dick...they'll forge ahead at their own peril, all in the name of their cause. In the end, like Ahab, their cause will have forsaken them.

I remember when I was in college in 1992, and the day after the election in which Bill Clinton won, our local newspaper had a political cartoon that was funny in its truth. It had a bunch of reporters (wearing badges from the NYT, LAT, Boston Blobe, AP, etc.) jumping up and down in ecstacy screaming "WE won!", then in the second frame, they appeared subdued with their eyes shifting around, calmly proclaiming "Er...I mean...he won!" That says it all, my friends.