Monday, March 14, 2005

Eskimos roundly support ANWR drilling

Yeah, but what do those ice-dwelling peons know? I mean, they only LIVE there, for Pete's sake!

Story here: link

Two things of note in the article: (1) Eskimos' support based on need for economic vitality (and energy production) in order to bring sanitary conditions to their villages; and (2) the reality of drilling in other parts of Alaska.
What's more, it's not just dreams of an economic boom driving support for ANWR, according to Alaska State Sen. Dr. Donald Olson, a Democrat who represents the Inupiat village of Kaktovik.

"They do not have running water or a sewer system," he told columnist Deroy Murdock in 2001. "That means they are relegated to Third World conditions where people have to melt ice to bathe and to drink. They use five-gallon containers for sanitation."

The backward sanitation system is a breeding ground for sometimes-fatal cases of hepatitis A - and contributes to high infant mortality rates.


But thanks to the success of the environmental lobby in keeping ANWR off limits, the Inupiat Indians have been forced to live in poverty.
See? Who says liberals can't win at something? So thanks to enviroweenies who have successfully lobbied Congress, people are dying. Oh, well, screw those snowy least Chevron isn't profiting (what a dirty word!) from Alaska!
In other areas of Alaska where the oil companies have been allowed to drill, the standard of living has increased dramatically, the locals say.
Since when do the greenie wackos let trivial things like facts and reality get in the way of their agenda? And again, just who do these locals think they are in trying to determine what's best for Alaska? That's what DC-based and California-based enviro-gestapos are for!