Friday, March 25, 2005

Max Boot has solution to oil problem

This is a well-reasoned solution to the oil problem we have in this country. It's a multi-faceted solution, but as Boot points out, politicians of both parties must have the political will to do it. Alas, I shan't hold my breath.

An excerpt from Boot's column:
Both Democrats and Republicans know this, but neither party is serious about solving this growing crisis. Democrats who couldn't tell the difference between a caribou and a cow grandstand about the sanctity of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, even though 70% of Alaskans are happy to see a bit of drilling in this remote tundra. Republicans, for their part, pretend that tapping ANWR will somehow solve all of our problems. If only. A government study finds that, with ANWR on line, the U.S. will be able to reduce its dependence on imported oil from 68% to 65% in 2025.
A group called Set America Free has introduced an ambitious agenda to achieve desired goals of reducing dependency on the oil sheiks who attempt to hold the world hostage by keeping their fingers on the oil spiggots.

Boot closes with the following observation:
There are many untapped sources of gasoline in North America, such as the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, and the shale of Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. But extracting oil from such sources costs at least three times more than pumping it out of the Arabian desert. Congress could make this more economically feasible by imposing a higher tax on oil that doesn't come from North America.

Needless to say, this runs smack dab into Republican orthodoxy that opposes new taxes and regulations, while the prospect of more drilling raises the hackles of Democratic environmentalists. Absent some political courage in both parties, we will continue to be at OPEC's mercy.
You should read the column. It's short, enlightening, plus will satisfy your curiosity in finding out the answer to this question: How do you get 500 miles-per-gallon? And no, it's not a "knock-knock" joke, or any other joke for that matter. Just read the damned thing, will ya?