Friday, March 18, 2005

The left's culture of death

Let's see how the mind of a liberal works:

A baby can be killed at any stage of the pregnancy, pretty much up until he/she says "Mama"! And be quick about it!

A woman with no living will can be starved to death, despite the intervention efforts of governors and legislatures at state and federal levels. And be quick about it!

A convicted axe murderer who gleefully chops up a family and gets sentenced to death...should have his life spared at all costs! Why, just what is the hurry to kill this man anyway?!? Do we want America to devolve into barbarism when we can kill people like that?

A soldier who makes an al Qaeda terrorist wear the Israeli flag or don women's undergarments on camera, to the point of the terrorist being scared into a fatal heart attack...why, that's just reprehensible! Inflicting "torture" on a poor, defenseless terrorist like that!

So, in summary: Liberals think that it's OK to kill innocent people...just not guilty ones!

And you wonder why I dedicate a blog to crushing this sick, perverted, backwards, twisted way of thinking?