Thursday, March 17, 2005

Democrats threaten shutdown

Please...PLEASE...let them do it! We should be so lucky! Story here.

Harry Reid has threatened to shut down all Senate activity not related to national security and defense, if the Senate GOP majority takes away their filibuster on judicial nominations. While Reid and the liberals in his party and in the mainstream media refer to the taking away of the filibuster as the "nuclear" option, I prefer to call it the "constitutional" option.

You see, the Constitution says that the Senate shall "advise and consent" on federal judicial appointments. That means the Senate has to approve judges. There's nothing in the Constitution that says that 60% or more of the Senate must approve of judges...a simple majority will suffice. Therefore, it's clear that the so-called "nuclear" option is nothing more than enforcing the Constitution. Period.

Let's assume that Harry has his way, and the Dems maneuver a government shutdown like the GOP did in 1995. The press blamed the GOP for the shutdown. If Dems succeed in a government shutdown, I'm not going out on a limb by predicting that the MSM will pin it all on the GOP for not dealing with the minority! How insane is that?

Look, we had elections in 2004. Democrats were roundly defeated damned near everywhere, and yet they say they need to be considered and consulted? Really? And Bush is the arrogant one? To the victors go the spoils, babe! Why in the hell should the majority ask chronic elections losers for advice or consent on ANYTHING?

By the way, notice how a few Senate Democrats are pretty weak-kneed about Reid's approach. Some, like Nebraska (i.e. red state) Democrat Ben Nelson, are up for re-election next year. Time will tell if the leftists in the Senate are that suicidal.