Monday, March 14, 2005

NY Times: Saddam had WMD

I'll wait for you to pick yourself up off the floor. No, this is not an April Fool's joke 18 days early. Don't believe me? Read for yourself: link

In case you don't feel like reading it (or it makes you register to read it), here's the condensed version of the article:

The New York Times reported Sunday that when the U.S. attacked Iraq in March 2003, Saddam Hussein possessed "stockpiles of monitored chemicals and materials," as well as sophisticated equipment to manufacture nuclear and biological weapons, which was removed to "a neighboring state" before the U.S. could secure the weapons sites.

The U.N.'s Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission [UNMOVIC] "has filed regular reports to the Security Council since last May," the paper said, "about the dismantlement of important weapons installations and the export of dangerous materials to foreign states."

"Officials of the commission and the [International] Atomic Energy Agency have repeatedly called on the Iraqi government to report on what it knows of the fate of the thousands of pieces of monitored equipment and stockpiles of monitored chemicals and materials."

Normally, I'd be the last person quoting anything from a discredited partisan fish wrap like the NYT. And this article may be full of crap...who knows? All I know, though, is that if the biggest liberal rag in the country (if not the world) is reporting something that benefits Americans (and, by default, President Bush), life has just gone from bad to worse for today's leftists.