Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Teens: Oral sex not really sex

There's a Reuters article about how today's teens engage in (or plan to do so) oral sex, because they don't really see it as sex. Hmmmm...where have we heard that before? Oh, yeah...I remember now!

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman...Miss Lewinsky."

Liberals bent over backwards to word parse like the master himself. "He didn't commit perjury" (which, for those of you in blue states, means lying under oath), they proclaimed. "He had oral sex, which isn't really sex!"

Well, congrats go out to these same liberals whose kids now practice what their parents preached. Hell, these kids were on Oprah within the last few years, and the topic was teens and oral sex. One "active" boy said: "We saw the President of the United States doing it, and saying it wasn't really sex. So we thought: Why not?" Yep, if it's good enough for the most powerful man in the world, then it's good enough for your kids, right? Oprah's jaw dropped and hit the floor. She was ashamed, and she should have been...after all, she thought Clinton was all that and a bag of chips, and here were today's youth agreeing with her on Clinton (albeit for different reasons than her). She stammered in disbelief that kids could draw such a conclusion. I know, I know...it was probably talking points from their "right-wing" parents, right?

As for those liberals who pooh-poohed the warnings of slippery (no pun intended) slopes, looks like as with everything else...they were wrong about this, too. Nice job, libs! Your idol has taught your children (and mine) quite a lesson, huh? So when my daughter is a teenager, and I catch her "servicing" a boy, she can always tell me: "But Dad...it's not really sex!" I will know who to thank for setting the trend.