Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Whistleblower vs. leak?

I'm not very good at working on cars, so I leave it up to the experts (i.e. mechanics) to do that kind of work. Why can't that same level of common sense be exhibited by Democrats when it comes to butchering the English language?

See, Bill Clinton was an expert at mangling the meaning of words (such as "sex", "alone", and "is). Guys like John Kerry have failed at their attempts to emulate the master. Well, now add Chuckie "Identity Thief" Schumer to the list of wannabes of "etymological killers"!

Schumer was on Fox News attempting to spin his "good leak vs. bad leak" theory into a positive light. Streaming video here. Basically, it goes like this:

"There are differences between felons and whistleblowers, and we ought to wait until the investigation occurs to decide what happened," he sputtered. Yeah, Dems are damned good at waiting until investigations complete...notwithstanding calls for Rove to be "frogmarched" out in handcuffs and whatnot.

Malkin makes the following observation:
Look for the Plamegate apologists to argue that the NSA leaks were "good" leaks, justified in the name of safeguarding civil liberties and the national interest, and should therefore be exempt from criminal prosecution.

By contrast, they argue that disclosures about Valerie Plame were "bad" leaks worthy of pulling out all prosecutorial stops--though no one has been charged with leaking classified info, and even if they did, the adverse effects on national security are infinitesimal compared to the damage done by the NYT/NSA leaks.

The law, may I remind the Bush-bashers, does not grant an exception based on leakers' motives...
Sure it does...or it should...or, Rove evil...or, "No blood for oil"...or...

So, to sum up Chuckie's "good leak vs. bad leak" argument:

Good leak: Affectionately referred to by Chuckie as "whistleblower", any story that negatively affects Bush...even if it undermines the war against terrorism against an enemy that slaughtered 3,000+ of Schumer's constituents.

Bad leak: Any story that mentions the name of a commonly known CIA non-covert agent whose mug had been plastered all over magazines and newspapers and whose name AND employer had been widely available on the 'Net AND with whom reporters were well aware and acquainted...even if said story had no impact at all on national security or the war against terrorism.