Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"Red states" more free than "blue states"

No surprise there. Pacific Research Institute’s “U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2004 Report,” published in association with Forbes magazine, figures in more than 100 variables in calculating economic freedom, including regulatory and fiscal burdens imposed on residents.

The report, written by Ying Huang and Robert E. McCormick of Clemson University and Lawrence J. McQuillan of PRI, shows how more economic freedom leads to more economic security. Such findings are a wake-up call to old-fashioned politicians who still want voters to believe that more government and less liberty means more economic security.

In order, America's top 5 most free states: Kansas, Colorado, Virginia, Idaho and Utah. All Bush states.

In order, America's top 5 least free states: New York, California, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Illinois. All Kerry/Gore states.

The index shows that the 25 states with above-average freedom include only two “blue” states, New Hampshire (which Kerry barely won and Bush won in 2000) and Delaware. The 25 subpar states included 17 Kerry states.