Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thank you, Veterans!

I would like to take a moment to wish all of our veterans a Happy Veterans Day today! Yes, that even includes John Kerry, who did serve his country...before turning around and betraying it. So, OK...upon further reflection, I don't care if Kerry has a happy Vets Day!

People like my father, a USMC veteran of 20 years, deserve a day like this that honors their service. True, every day should be a day like that, so I have no qualms about setting aside a day that specifically and exclusively honors them. It is for reasons like honoring our servicemen and servicewomen that I cannot ever be a liberal. Libs hate the military and its people too much, so I will always have a reason to try to stamp out liberalism. Every time they insult our military, they insult Americans. I, for one, won't stand for it.

Thank you for your contribution to the safety and security of our nation, Vets! We salute you!