Monday, June 27, 2005

Hillary Pressures Networks to Cancel Klein

Last week I mentioned that it was funny to watch the MSM ignore Ed Klein's new Hillary-unfriendly book...a book that is creeping up the bestseller list despite the MSM blackout. Without addressing the substance or lack thereof in the book, I simply noted that the MSM did not extend the same attitude when it came to gossiphound Kitty Kelley's anti-W book. Nope, the MSM was all over that like Ted Kennedy on a brandy sniffer.

Well, not only is the MSM ignoring it, but it looks to be a blackout as a direct result of an orchestrated campaign by the Clintons and their powerful media allies. Howard Kurtz, media critic for the Washington Post, said while he was hosting CNN's "Reliable Sources" show: "A spokesman for Senator Clinton told me that when news organizations call, they do make the argument, why give this guy airtime?"

From NewsMax:
Though the celebrated author was scheduled to appear on more than a half dozen major TV network shows, all have cancelled except one, Fox's "Hannity & Colmes."

However, conservative host Sean Hannity did reveal that he was under immense pressure to cancel the program.

"I've had more political pressure than I've ever had in all my years in radio," Hannity said to Klein during a radio interview. "Do you know the number of requests I've had to cancel you and not have you on this program? I've never in the history of this program had more demands to cancel the guest."


Salem Radio Network's Mike Gallagher, syndicated nationwide, said he was deluged by emails opposing Klein's scheduled appearance and demanding he drop the author. Gallagher described the campaign as "very unnatural, like an orchestrated [effort]" and not from his listeners.

But other networks, particularly television, have succumbed to the pressure.

Klein's original schedule had him appearing on several top-rated TV shows. But all of them have cancelled. Among the cancellations: "Extra;" MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews;" and CNN's Paula Zahn show.

Several shows apparently expressed a keen interest in booking Klein until pressure from the Hillary camp stopped them, among them ABC's "Good Morning America," NBC's "Today" show, and CNN's "Aaron Brown."
How about this for his disinvite from the little-watched MSNBC show Hardball?
An MSNBC producer told NewsMax that Chris Matthews' "Hardball" had merely considered booking the Hillary author, saying the idea was dropped when producers found out that the book was "a big piece of crap."

However, another source at the network told NewsMax that MSNBC chief Rick Kaplan has long been close to the Clintons (he was one of the celebrated Friends of Bill and Hillary who spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom) - a fact that could have played a role in the network snubbing the Klein book.
Nope...nothing fishy about that sleepover connection thingee.

What's funny is that Klein's always been loved by liberals, because he is one. I mean, he was editor of the New York Times Magazine and held top editor jobs with liberal rage Newsweek and Vanity Fair. His leftie pedigree has never been challenged until now.

Also, NewsMax makes the same observation I made last week about the Kelley anti-W trash book:
Others are noting the media's hypocrisy in dealing with the Klein book and how the same media treated Kitty Kelley's book "The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty." Kelley's book offered far more salacious allegations about George W. Bush.

The books are hardly comparable, though; Klein is a veteran, award-winning journalist known for serious, and non political biographies, while Kelley has developed a reputation as a purveyor of gossip on her targets.

Last week, Fox News host Neil Cavuto told his audience, "Kitty [Kelley] was booked on shows. Ed is getting no bookings, period ... Could it be the media relished dirt on the president, less so on the woman who wants to be president?"

With a heated presidential campaign underway last year, Kelley was given star billing on show's like NBC's "Today" show (with an unprecedented interview over three days); CNBC's "Capital Report;" CNN "Newsnight" hosted by Aaron Brown; CNN's "Lou Dobbs Tonight;" CNN's "American Morning" with Paula Zahn; MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews, among others.

Though Kelley made unsubstantiated allegations, including charges of illicit sex and drug use against Bush (previously she accused President Reagan of date rape in a book that received page one coverage from the New York Times), her book drew huge media interest.
Rush notes that the MSM rarely "circle the wagons to defend a politician." Normally, they get off on ruining a politician's career. Not so with the Clintons, especially one with aspirations of higher office.

Well, the MSM tried to ignore the Swift Boat Vets, but ultimately could not due to pressure from the alternative media (blogosphere, talk radio, Internet). My guess is that this will be different, because while the MSM really wanted Kerry to win and pulled out damned near all the stops to do it, they will drink the Clinton purple Kool-Aid and die before they let any anti-Hillary info (true or not) hit the airwaves.

Finally, "among the criticisms are claims that Klein has accused Hillary of being a lesbian and that Bill Clinton raped his wife. But a read of Klein's book shows that he never makes either allegation." In other words, trot out the same lazy liberal arguments to any idea: don't read the details, just demagogue.