Sunday, June 12, 2005

Howard Dean: "Republicans are Child Molesters and Rapists"

That's the satirical headline by my main blogging inspiration Nickie Goomba. I say "inspiration" because the guy has such a hilarious way of incorporating satire into his entries, and I aspire to be but a mere fraction of a degree of that level of a writer. But hey, I'm 33 years young, so I have time to's hoping!

Anyway, please read the full entry here. This excerpt should whet your appetite. However, please do not drink anything while reading this, lest the liquid spray from your nose while you laugh yourself silly.
"Even uninformed voters realize that, generally, Republicans are child molesters and rapists. As a gesture of moderation, I will not elaborate on the GOP tradition of eating human body parts at baby seal-clubbing parties."
What's so damned funny about this entry is that Dean is such a moonfaced rabid loon that I could see him saying these things!

By the way, the graphic contained in the entry is not a Nazi reference (which I wouldn't condone...though liberals use Nazi/al Qaeda/American Taliban references while being serious). "SS" is his made-up "Social Student" reference, for those of you in blue states (or blue state mentalities in actual red states, which must suck for you).