Crush Liberalism
Liberalism: Logic's retarded cousin. Why think when you can "feel"?
Thursday, April 06, 2006
About Me
- Name: Jonathan
- Location: Jacksonville, Florida, United States
I am not conservative or Republican. I am a "neo-libertarian." It’s more logically consistent than conservatism and liberalism. Liberals are not evil; however, their ideology has proven to be a demonstrable failure and incredibly harmful when administered on the body politic. I have lived in the South all of my life. While I'd love to travel, I don't want to live anywhere else. Though I currently live near Jacksonville, FL, I call Memphis home (lived there most of my life). I'm a Florida State University Seminole, through and through. All viewpoints are welcome on my blog. However, if I ban you or edit/delete your comments, it's because I found you to be offensive, repulsive, or otherwise useless. My world, my rules. Deal with it, or beat it. Finally, I had a happy childhood, so my worldview has NOT been "warped" by a lousy upbringing. Quite the contrary: I have been blessed, and my outlook has been molded accordingly. I won't apologize for having grown up in a loving, middle-class family.
Previous Posts
- Plumbers union bullies developers to let them inst...
- Remember when Democrats didn't mind deporting ille...
- Call the hair police!
- Do facts even matter to the left?
- Jesus walked
- Levees break in California
- Did Th' Man do this, too?
- UCLA wins! No, wait...
- Oliver Stone's newest conspiracy
- Quote of the day
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