Friday, January 07, 2005

How to Interrogate Terrorists

City Journal has an excellent, albeit lengthy, entry about the origins of the purported "torture" memo (which is anything but). If you have 10 minutes to read it, please do so, as it is excellent insight into the interrogation tactics we've used (and not used) thus far. It is also an excellent account as to the behavior of our enemies in captivity, and how they have responded with violence and hostility.

I guess liberals think one collective group hug will make them cooperate, huh? Or maybe if terrorists just had more money in their homelands, they wouldn't try to smite us infidels, right?

Anyway, here's an excerpt, and again, please read it if you have won't be sorry:

Human Rights Watch, the ICRC, Amnesty International, and the other self-professed guardians of humanitarianism need to come back to earth—to the real world in which torture means what the Nazis and the Japanese did in their concentration and POW camps in World War II; the world in which evil regimes, like those we fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, don’t follow the Miranda rules or the Convention Against Torture but instead gas children, bury people alive, set wild animals on soccer players who lose, and hang adulterous women by truckloads before stadiums full of spectators; the world in which barbarous death cults behead female aid workers, bomb crowded railway stations, and fly planes filled with hundreds of innocent passengers into buildings filled with thousands of innocent and unsuspecting civilians. By definition, our terrorist enemies and their state supporters have declared themselves enemies of the civilized order and its humanitarian rules. In fighting them, we must of course hold ourselves to our own high moral standards without, however, succumbing to the utopian illusion that we can prevail while immaculately observing every precept of the Sermon on the Mount. It is the necessity of this fallen world that we must oppose evil with force; and we must use all the lawful means necessary to ensure that good, rather than evil, triumphs.