Thursday, January 06, 2005

"Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole"

Damn...I wish I had come up with that observation! Ann Coulter, reviled by the left and loved by normal Americans, comes to this conclusion in her weekly column.

This gem from it:

In December 2002, Murray (ed. Democrat Senator Patty Murray from Washington state) was extolling Osama bin Laden's good works in the Middle East, informing a classroom of students: "He's been out in these countries for decades building roads, building schools, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. It made their lives better." What does Murray say about bin Laden's charity toward the (mostly Muslim) tsunami victims?

Speaking of world leaders admired by liberals, why isn't Fidel Castro giving the tsunami victims some of that terrific medical care liberals tell us he has been providing the people of Cuba?

Stipulating that liberals love America – which apparently depends on what the meaning of "love" is – do they love America as much as they love bin Laden and Castro?