Thursday, April 07, 2005

Media: Pope coverage too flattering

Here's a link to a story on how the media views the coverage of the Pope's life and death. In summary, the media thinks the coverage is too favorable, and that the Pope (like Reagan) was incredibly controversial and should be examined as such.

They refer to how Reagan was a "polarizing" figure. Well, maybe it was my modest Southern upbringing or the fact that I attended Florida State University instead of Columbia or Yale, but I guess I'm just not that bright...I thought when Reagan won 49 of 50 states in 1984 (and coming within 4,000 votes of winning Mondale's MN for the clean sweep), that kinda shot the "polarizing" myth all to Hell. What could I have been thinking?

As for the Pope, he problem (if you listen to the media elite...and I don't) is that he was "too conservative." What?!? That's part of the cluelessness that liberals have towards religion!

See, the Pope didn't condone abortion, homosexuality, pre-marital shack-ups, etc., as being consistent with Christian dogma as outlined in the Bible. For those of you in blue states, the Bible was a book written a long time ago that Christians believe contains (among other things) rules that God wants us to live by. For those same blue staters, God is the supreme Creator of the universe. But I digress...

Liberals think that "progress" is accepting of all of the aforementioned behaviors that the Pope refused to condone. While society may, in whole or in part, accept these signs of "progress", the Pope understood that Christianity does not change with the is what it is, and it is what it says. And while I have strayed numerous times from the Word of the Bible (and continue to do, on a daily basis), never once have I said "Well, that Pope guy is just gonna have to get with the times...everybody else is doing what I'm doing!"