Monday, August 28, 2006

School officials and SWAT team rescue school from...burrito?

I may have officially just seen it all. From MSNBC:
A call about a possible weapon at a middle school prompted police to put armed officers on rooftops, close nearby streets and lock down the school. All over a giant burrito.

Someone called authorities Thursday after seeing a boy carrying something long and wrapped into Marshall Junior High. (Don't even go there, you pervs! - Ed.)

The drama ended two hours later when the suspicious item was identified as a 30-inch burrito filled with steak, guacamole, lettuce, salsa and jalapeños and wrapped inside tin foil and a white T-shirt.
Hilarity ensues.
In the meantime, more than 30 parents, alerted by a radio report, descended on the school. Visibly shaken, they gathered around in a semicircle, straining their necks, awaiting news.

"There needs to be security before the kids walk through the door," said Heather Black, whose son attends the school.
What, a "burrito bomb squad"? Don't these people know that a burrito is a weapon only after it has been eaten?