Monday, July 09, 2007

Their words, not mine: Convert or die!

Or, in the case of Israel, just die.

For those of you peace-at-any-price nitwits who want to know what we can do to make the bloodthirsty camelhumping savages from Jerkwater, Arabia, like us, here you go:
Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America.

"One day my dear Muslims," shouted Anjem Choudary, "Islam will govern Britain!"
The Muslim leader's charge, along with interviews with protesters and a "literal foaming-at-the-mouth" diatribe by another speaker, were captured on tape June 22 by nationally syndicated talk radio host Rusty Humphries.
For Humphries, the response of the Muslims at Islam's largest house of worship in the UK was telling.

"Not one said, 'You're not speaking for me' or 'Not in my name.' They stood there and watched and applauded," he told WND.
The Muslim leader said he does not believe in democracy and insists there is no such thing as freedom of religion, "because freedom is an absolute term."

"Are we to say that Muslims can fully practice religion in America," he asked in an attempt to explain. "Say, for instance, I was a Muslim in America. Could I call for the destruction of the American government and establishment of an Islamic state in America? No. So where is the freedom of religion? There is none." (In other words, "freedom of religion" means the freedom to detonate and self-detonate and kill thousands or more, all in the name of your religion. - Ed.)

Humphries asked: "Do you call for that?"

"Of course," he replied, "we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam."

"There's nothing we can do to be friends?" Humphries asked.

Abu Saif replied: "There is something you can do to be friends. You can become Muslim."

He also had a simple solution to the conflict in the Holy Land.

"We want the Jews to leave Israel, and to hand the whole of Israel, not just Gaza and the West Bank – the whole of Israel to the Muslims. Only then will the Muslims stop."

There you have it, straight from the devil's mouth. The only way to become friends is to become Muslim. Period. What now, peace-at-any-costers?
