Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Vietnam vet spits on Hanoi Jane at her book signing

Story here.

A former Vietnam vet waited 90 minutes to spit tobacco juice and saliva on Jane Fonda. Then he took off, but cops caught up to him. Hanoi Jane did not press charges.

I can't blame the guy at all, for the treasonous acts that the bitch committed against this country when we were at war. Having said that, you can't go around spitting on people you don't like. That's sinking to the food-fight and violent anti-tolerant tactics of the left. Had he screamed at her, I think he would have been well within his right to do so, and I would have applauded him for it.

The article referenced Hanoi Jane's apology for the photo with the Commie North. It also said she has never apologized for being anti-war. You know what? She shouldn't apologize for having been against the war...a lot of people were. But she should apologize (and be prosecuted) for having allowed herself willingly to be used as a mouthpiece for the propaganda perpetuated by the North Vietnamese. What she did clearly falls under the definition of treason, but because she's famous with a famous daddy, she never had to worry about it.