Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Air America panhandling

Air America, being thoroughly entrenched in a socialist mindset, since its inception has completely ignored the single most important fundamental rule of broadcast media survival: bring in advertiser revenue. If you don't sell advertising, your media outlet doesn't survive. It doesn't matter if it's TV, radio, magazines, or newspapers. No money, no workee!

Well, poor AA (relax, Ted Kennedy...I'm talking about Air America)! They've not learned that lesson, and they've had to resort to looting charities just to generate enough operational revenue to keep the lights on. Now, we see other forms of AA's panhandling from the network that was supposed to rival Rush Limbaugh:
Air America, the liberal radio answer to Rush Limbaugh, is now asking its listeners to send in money, leading some analysts to say the network is "crumbling."

The network, featuring voices including Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, has developed a program where people become "associate" members by contributing cash.

On its website, Air America lists the benefits of membership, stating, "In return for your help, we'll send you a monthly Associates insider e-mail with the backstage news from our shows and our headquarters. When we take Air America Radio on the road, we'll invite you to meet our hosts and progressive leaders in your community. And for gifts of $50 and up, we've got free stuff to send you."
Chuckle...snortle...snicker! Yes, you did read that right..."FREE...for $50!"

Quite pitiful, isn't it? They have to resort to a fund-raising model instead of a business (i.e. capitalist) model. If this doesn't convince you that left-wing liberalism is largely incompatible with capitalism, I don't know what will.